Down The Drain

Movie #30

Date Released: 4.25.1990

Date Watched: 7.16.2020


Well, another one hour and forty five minutes down the drain! This is a terrible movie. Teeeerrrrriblle. It is so schlocky that I cannot tell if I would have watched it when I was thirteen and staying up late watching B movies on HBO. I am guessing I would have, actually, and I may have even enjoyed it. It is really hard to know, since I have literally never heard of or seen this movie and I’m not thirteen years old anymore. 

Unlike movies like Ski Patrol or Hamburger, the plot is actually too nuanced to just sit back and enjoy but the nuance is desperately misplaced due to the quality of the movie and the acting. That said, kudos to them for trying. Thank goodness they cleared up the one unanswered plot hole by having Victor and Kathy find the transmitter at the bottom of the van. So, that’s why the bad guys could find them everywhere they drove over the last forty five minutes of the movie doing nothing all over LA! Thankfully, in the last moments, we are rewarded with a climactic fight scene in which the bad guy dies by choking on a Rubik’s cube (a metaphor for the death of the 80’s?) and Kathy surprisingly survives what appeared to be a fatal gunshot wound!

On another note, this movie was John Matuzak’s (Sloth in Goonies) final movie before he tragically died of an overdose. 

Anyway, I actually made it all the way through the whole one hour and forty five minutes of nonsense. That’s how much I’m just enjoying watching movies right now.

Publishing Notes:


Spaced Invaders

